BJP批评宗教基金法案, 指控以穆斯林为攻击目标。 Bengal's Chief Minister criticizes BJP for the Waqf Bill, alleging targeting of Muslims.
西孟加拉邦首席部长Mamata Banerjee批评人民党领导的中央政府通过《宗教基金(修正案)法案》针对穆斯林。 West Bengal's Chief Minister, Mamata Banerjee, criticized the BJP-led central government for targeting Muslims through the Waqf (Amendment) Bill. 她怀疑该法案在议会获得通过,并指控政府绕过国家协商。 She doubts the bill’s passage in Parliament and accuses the government of bypassing state consultations. Banerjee也敦促政府保护孟加拉国的印度教徒, 并质疑为何穆斯林与其他宗教信任不同, Banerjee also urged the government to protect Hindus in Bangladesh and questioned why Muslims were singled out, unlike other religious trusts. 该法案旨在精简宗教基金管理委员会的管理,但在联合议会委员会中面临反对。 The bill aims to streamline Waqf Board management but faces opposition in the Joint Parliamentary Committee.