约有40头领航鲸被困在新西兰;救援队努力在下一次涨潮前拯救它们。 Around 40 pilot whales stranded in New Zealand; rescue teams work to save them before the next high tide.
至少有30到40头领航鲸 被困在新西兰金湾的永别史匹特 At least 30 to 40 pilot whales have stranded at Farewell Spit in New Zealand's Golden Bay. 来自Jonah项目和养护部的救援队正与当地志愿者合作,使鲸鱼保持舒适,防止中暑。 Rescue teams from Project Jonah and the Department of Conservation are working with local volunteers to keep the whales comfortable and prevent heatstroke. 他们计划在午夜左右的下一次涨潮时让鲸鱼重新浮上水面。 They plan to refloat the whales with the next high tide around midnight. 两头鲸已经死亡,但其他鲸鱼正在得到照顾,直到它们能够安全地返回海洋。 Two whales have died, but the rest are being cared for until they can be safely returned to sea.