Umaine开发气象站网络,以加强当地预报和恶劣天气防备。 UMaine develops weather station network to enhance local forecasting and severe weather preparedness.
缅因大学(Umaine)正在开发一个全州气象站综合网络,以改善当地天气监测和预报。 The University of Maine (UMaine) is developing a comprehensive network of weather stations across the state to improve local weather monitoring and forecasting. 该倡议旨在向社区提供更准确和局部的天气数据,协助更好地防备严重天气事件。 This initiative aims to provide more accurate and localized weather data to communities, aiding in better preparedness for severe weather events. 该项目涉及在缅因州不同地区安装多个气象站,以收集详细的大气数据。 The project involves installing multiple weather stations in various regions of Maine to gather detailed atmospheric data.