印度喜马恰尔邦安装了48个自动气象站,以加强实时预报和备灾工作。 Himachal Pradesh, India, installs 48 automatic weather stations for enhanced real-time forecasting and disaster preparedness.
印度喜马恰尔邦将安装48个自动气象站,以加强实时预报和备灾,特别是农业方面的实时预报和备灾。 Himachal Pradesh, India, will install 48 automatic weather stations to enhance real-time forecasting and disaster preparedness, especially for agriculture. 该倡议与印度气象部合作,旨在改进与气候有关的事件的预警系统。 This initiative, in partnership with the Indian Meteorological Department, aims to improve early warning systems for climate-related events. 此外,国家还从法国开发署获得890卢比,用于实施减少灾害风险综合项目,重点是改善基础设施和治理。 Additionally, the state secured Rs 890 crore from Agence Française de Développement for a comprehensive disaster risk reduction project, focusing on infrastructure and governance improvements.