电视主持人格雷格·华莱士因涉嫌不当行为而面临强烈反击, 据称BBC自2017年以来就知道了这一点. TV host Gregg Wallace faces backlash for alleged inappropriate behavior, with the BBC accused of knowing since 2017.
电视名人Gregg Wallace因据称对妇女行为不当而遭枪击, 批评者说他对情况的严重性缺乏了解。 TV personality Gregg Wallace is under fire for alleged inappropriate behavior toward women, with critics saying he lacks understanding of the situation's gravity. 英国广播公司(BBC)被指控自2017年以来一直知道这些问题。 The BBC is accused of knowing about the issues since 2017. 华莱士将批评者开除为「某个年龄的中产阶级女性」, 并继续在社交媒体上任职, 质疑他的危机管理技巧。 Wallace has dismissed his critics as "middle-class women of a certain age" and continues to post on social media, raising questions about his crisis management skills.