电视主厨Andi Oliver呼吁真正改变食品产业文化, TV chef Andi Oliver calls for real change in food industry culture amid MasterChef host's misconduct allegations.
电视主厨Andi Oliver呼吁真正改变食品产业的文化, 而不是仅仅因为对厨艺大师Greg Wallace的不端指控而感到愤怒。 TV chef Andi Oliver has called for genuine changes in the food industry's culture, rather than just outrage over the misconduct allegations against MasterChef host Gregg Wallace. 华莱士将退出节目, 因为他的行为受到制片人Banijay UK的审查. Wallace is stepping away from the show as his behavior is reviewed by the producer, Banijay UK. Oliver认为这个行业的许多其他人行为相似, 并坚持认为持久的变革需要的不仅仅是社交媒体的愤怒。 Oliver suggests that many others in the industry behave similarly, and insists that lasting change requires more than social media outrage. BBC的老板说,他们不会容忍低于预期标准的行为。 BBC bosses have stated they will not tolerate behavior below expected standards.