3 月 15 日在埃塞克斯举行的 Strictly Air Ambulance 慈善活动以舞蹈比赛为特色,并支持当地的空中救护车。 Strictly Air Ambulance charity event in Essex on March 15 features dance competition and supports local air ambulance.
严格的空中救护车慈善活动将于2025年3月15日重返埃塞克斯的布伦特伍德中心, 举办一场由8位当地选手参加的舞蹈比赛. The Strictly Air Ambulance charity event returns to Brentwood Centre in Essex on March 15, 2025, featuring a dance competition with eight local contestants. 活动支持Essex & Herts空中救护车信托, 包括名人露面、抽奖及拍卖。 The event supports the Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Trust and includes celebrity appearances, a raffle, and an auction. 机票有10%的早期鸟类折扣,直到11月底。 Tickets have a 10% early bird discount until the end of November. 邀请当地企业为这次活动捐赠奖品。 Local businesses are invited to donate prizes for the event.