著名演员Timothy West, 以"所有生物 伟大和小型"著称, 于11月12日下午6点55分去世。 Renowned actor Timothy West, known for "All Creatures Great and Small," died on Nov. 12 at 6:55 pm.
Timothy West, 一位90岁的著名演员, 于11月12日和平逝世, Timothy West, a renowned 90-year-old actor, passed away peacefully on November 12, with his son Samuel revealing the significance of his time of death. Timothy, 以"所有生物 伟大和小型"和"东德"的角色闻名, 于下午6点55分去世, 与剧院的"半小时呼叫"同时发生。 Timothy, known for roles in "All Creatures Great and Small" and "EastEnders," died at 6:55 pm, coinciding with the theatre's "half-hour call." Samuel分享了他父亲最后的遗言 询问他的排练情况 Samuel shared his father's final words, asking about his rehearsals. Timothy幸存下来的是他的妻子Prunella Scasses和他们的三个孩子,他们赞扬了国民保健制度工作人员所提供的照顾。 Timothy is survived by his wife, Prunella Scales, and their three children, who praised the care provided by NHS staff.