当选总统特朗普任命岳父马萨德·布洛斯担任阿拉伯事务高级顾问。 President-elect Trump appoints father-in-law Massad Boulos as senior Arab affairs advisor.
当选总统唐纳德·特朗普任命黎巴嫩裔美国商人兼女儿蒂凡尼的岳父马萨德·布洛斯为他负责阿拉伯和中东事务的高级顾问。 President-elect Donald Trump appointed Massad Boulos, a Lebanese-American businessman and father-in-law to his daughter Tiffany, as his senior advisor on Arab and Middle Eastern affairs. 布洛斯在特朗普竞选期间帮助动员阿拉伯美国人和穆斯林选民, 将就该地区的冲突提供建议, Boulos, who helped mobilize Arab American and Muslim voters during Trump's campaign, will advise on conflicts in the region, including the ongoing tensions in Gaza and Lebanon. Trump赞扬Boulos是一位熟练的经商者和中东和平的坚定支持者。 Trump praised Boulos as a skilled dealmaker and staunch supporter of Middle East peace.