新德里计划以艺术举措振兴Lutyens的德里,旨在将遗产与现代文化融合起来。 New Delhi plans to revitalize Lutyens' Delhi with art initiatives, aiming to blend heritage with modern culture.
新德里市议会(NDMC)发起了若干倡议,以加强Lutyens'德里的文化氛围,包括恢复斯里扬艺术馆,增加街头艺术,以及主办音乐和艺术活动。 The New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) has launched several initiatives to enhance Lutyens' Delhi's cultural atmosphere, including reviving the Srijan Art Gallery, adding street art, and hosting music and art events. NDMC旨在根据莫迪总理的愿景,支持新兴艺术家,并将遗产与现代发展相结合。 The NDMC aims to support emerging artists and integrate heritage with modern development, aligning with Prime Minister Modi's vision. 这些努力力求将该地区转变为一个充满活力的文化中心。 These efforts seek to transform the area into a vibrant cultural hub.