新德里启动项目,向包括贫民窟在内的9 386户家庭提供全天候供水。 New Delhi launches project to provide 24/7 water to 9,386 households, including slums.
新德里市议会(NDMC)正在发起一个试点项目,向包括贫民窟在内的Lutyens德里住户提供24x7饮用水。 The New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) is launching a pilot project to provide 24x7 drinking water to households in Lutyens' Delhi, including slums. 预算已增至3卢比,用于铺设新管道、建立水厂和应对基础设施挑战。 The budget has been increased to Rs 3 crore to lay new pipelines, set up water plants, and address infrastructure challenges. NDMC副主席Kuljeet Chahal发起了该倡议,旨在向32个贫民窟群中的9 386户家庭提供24小时供水和个人管道连接。 NDMC Vice Chairman Kuljeet Chahal launched the initiative, aiming to provide round-the-clock water supply and individual piped connections to 9,386 households in 32 slum clusters. 该项目包括在夏季数月建造地下水储存装置,以管理缺水情况。 The project includes constructing underground water storage units to manage water scarcity during summer months.