南非小姐的国家服装由Esther Mahlangu博士设计, 在开普敦时装周首次出现, Miss South Africa's national costume, designed by Dr Esther Mahlangu, debuted at Cape Town Fashion Week amid mixed reactions.
南非Mia le Roux小姐与Ndebele艺术家Esther Mahlangu博士合作设计, 在开普敦时装周展示了她的宇宙小姐国家服装。 Miss South Africa Mia le Roux showcased her Miss Universe national costume at Cape Town Fashion Week, designed in collaboration with Ndebele artist Dr Esther Mahlangu. 该服装的特色是一件礼服和白色的云翼,本来是给宇宙小姐的盛会,但由于健康问题,在Le Roux退出后被揭幕。 The costume, featuring a gown and white cloud wings, was meant for the Miss Universe pageant but was unveiled after le Roux withdrew due to health issues. 在庆祝南非文化的同时, 也收到不同的反应, 有些批评者质疑文化的质量。 While it celebrates South African culture, it received mixed reactions, with some critics questioning its quality.