第一名不同能力的小姐 SA Mia le Roux 代表南非参加在墨西哥城举行的环球小姐比赛,旨在促进包容性和人工耳蜗意识。 1st differently-abled Miss SA Mia le Roux, representing South Africa at Miss Universe in Mexico City, promotes inclusivity and cochlear implant awareness.
据报道, 首位残疾人南非小姐米亚·勒鲁克斯将于11月16日在墨西哥城参加环球小姐选美. Mia le Roux, the first differently-abled Miss South Africa, is set to represent her country at the Miss Universe pageant in Mexico City on November 16. 她将穿着非洲时装国际设计的定制服装。 Excited to showcase her advocacy for inclusivity, she will wear custom outfits designed by Africa Fashion International. Le Roux的目的是通过她的耳垂植植入运动,突出南非多样化的美貌,促进社会变革。 Le Roux aims to highlight South Africa's diverse beauty and promote social change through her campaign for cochlear implants. Brand South Africa 支持她的旅程,培养民族自豪感。 Brand South Africa supports her journey, fostering national pride.