女孩在家崩溃后在学校学会了心肺复苏术,从而挽救了父亲的生命。 Girl saves father's life with CPR learned in school after he collapses at home.
一个年轻女孩救了她父亲的命,在父亲在家崩溃后执行心肺复苏术。 A young girl saved her father's life by performing CPR after he collapsed at home. 这名女孩在学校学习了心肺复苏术,并能够有效地加以管理,直到紧急服务到达为止。 The girl had learned CPR in school and was able to administer it effectively until emergency services arrived. 这一事件凸显了CPR培训的重要性,因为它可以在心脏停跳期间对挽救生命产生重大的影响。 This incident highlights the importance of CPR training, as it can make a critical difference in saving lives during cardiac arrest.