接受过CPR培训并使用AED的当地人小组拯救了在澳大利亚太平洋棕榈树岛上心脏停跳的来访者。 Group of locals trained in CPR and using an AED saves visitor who suffered cardiac arrest at Pacific Palms, Australia.
来自纽卡斯尔的一位61岁的访客在澳大利亚的太平洋棕榈山心脏病发作,但被一群接受过CPR培训的当地人和一个AED救了。 A 61-year-old visitor from Newcastle suffered a cardiac arrest at Pacific Palms, Australia, but was saved by a group of CPR-trained locals and an AED. 值勤的农村消防局人员、一名护理实习人员和其他社区成员一起工作,在他被空运到约翰亨特医院之前恢复了他的生命。 Off-duty Rural Fire Service personnel, a nursing trainee, and other community members worked together to resuscitate him before he was flown to John Hunter Hospital. 这一事件突显了急救培训和社区中无障碍除颤器的重要性。 This incident underscores the importance of first aid training and accessible defibrillators in communities.