前尼日利亚领导人Gowon警告将发生另一场内战,敦促为结束不安全而祈祷。 Ex-Nigerian leader Gowon warns of another civil war, urging prayer to end insecurity.
尼日利亚前领导人高原雅库布(Yakubu Gowon)警告尼日利亚将再次爆发内战, 对当前危机表示关切, Former Nigerian leader Gen. Yakubu Gowon has warned against another civil war in Nigeria, expressing concern over current crises. Gowon在Jos的一个节日上发言,强调该国无法承受另一场冲突,因为冲突曾导致数百万人死亡。 Speaking at a festival in Jos, Gowon emphasized that the country cannot withstand another conflict, which previously led to millions of deaths. 他呼吁为结束不安全局势和解决现有问题祈祷。 He called for prayer to end insecurity and resolve ongoing issues.