加利福尼亚州研究野鸡DNA 以对抗人口下降, 探索繁殖和生境问题。 California studies pheasant DNA to combat population decline, exploring inbreeding and habitat issues.
加利福尼亚的野鸡数量正在迅速减少 生物学家收集猎鸟的DNA 以了解下降的原因 California's pheasant population is rapidly declining, with biologists collecting DNA from hunted birds to understand the reasons behind the drop. 该研究旨在绘制野鸡的遗传多样性图,以查明诸如与较弱的养殖鸟类繁殖或交叉繁殖等问题。 The study aims to map the genetic diversity of pheasants to identify issues like inbreeding or crossbreeding with weaker farm-raised birds. 可能的解决办法包括:在地区之间转让野生野鸡,以促进遗传多样性,鼓励土地所有者加强生境。 Potential solutions include transferring wild pheasants between areas to boost genetic diversity and encouraging landowners to enhance habitats.