Brighton居民抗议国家高密度住房计划,包括20层建筑物。 Brighton residents protest state plans for high-density housing, including 20-storey buildings.
Brighton居民抗议州政府计划在其郊区开发高密度住房, 包括20层楼房。 Brighton residents are protesting against the state government's plan to develop high-density housing, including 20-storey buildings, in their suburb. 超过 100 人聚集在一起反对政府的策略,当地议员詹姆斯·纽伯里 (James Newbury) 承诺,如果他的政党当选,这些发展将不会继续进行。 Over 100 people gathered to oppose the government's strategy, with local MP James Newbury promising that these developments would not proceed if his party is elected. 政府计划建立50个活动中心,其中已确定25个,包括布赖顿、马尔文和托拉克。 The government has plans for 50 activity centers, with 25 identified, including Brighton, Malvern, and Toorak.