美国-以色列人质Edan Alexander呼吁在录像中释放他, American-Israeli hostage Edan Alexander appeals for his release in a video, urging action from Trump and Netanyahu.
美国-以色列人质亚历山大(Edan Alexander)自2023年10月被哈马斯扣押, 出现在一段影片中, 敦促美国当选总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)和以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡释放。 American-Israeli hostage Edan Alexander, held by Hamas since October 2023, appeared in a video urging US President-elect Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his release. Alexander的母亲Yael呼吁迅速采取行动,确保释放她的儿子和其他人质。 Alexander's mother, Yael, called for swift action to secure the release of her son and other hostages. 白宫谴责这段影片, 称其为哈马斯行动的“残酷提醒”, 并声明他们正在努力通过外交及对哈马斯施压, The White House condemned the video, calling it a "cruel reminder" of Hamas's actions and stated they are working to secure the hostages' release through diplomacy and pressure on Hamas.