Aidan Laughery 的出色表现带领伊利诺伊州以 38-28 战胜西北大学,这是他们自 2007 年以来最好的赛季。 Aidan Laughery's stellar performance leads Illinois to a 38-28 win over Northwestern, their best season since 2007.
大二学生 Aidan Laughery 领先 No. Sophomore Aidan Laughery led No. 23 伊利诺斯州比西北州 获得38 -28的胜利 职业高度172码和3次触地得分 帮助伊利诺斯州赢得了本赛季的第九场胜利 23 Illinois to a 38-28 victory over Northwestern with a career-high 172 yards and three touchdowns, helping Illinois secure their ninth win of the season. 胜利标志着他们自2007年以来的最好季节。 The victory marks their best season since 2007. 伊利诺伊州四分卫Luke Altmyer加了一个触地得分 170个过场 克服了伤势恐慌 Illinois quarterback Luke Altmyer added one touchdown with 170 passing yards, overcoming an injury scare. 西北,现在总共4 -8, 输掉了他们的第三场直接比赛 Northwestern, now 4-8 overall, lost their third straight game.