诺斯韦斯特大学的杰伦·利奇得分27分, 诺斯韦斯特大学在加时赛中以67比58击败伊利诺伊州东部. Northwestern's Jalen Leach scores 27 points as Northwestern beats Eastern Illinois 67-58 in overtime.
诺斯韦斯特大学的杰伦·利奇 (Jalen Leach) 取得了本赛季最高的27分,带领球队在延时赛中以67-58战胜伊利诺伊州东部. Northwestern's Jalen Leach scored a season-high 27 points, leading the team to a 67-58 overtime win against Eastern Illinois. 利奇在加时赛中发挥了关键作用,得到 7 分,罚球 14 中 13。 Leach was crucial in overtime, scoring seven points and making 13 of 14 free throws. Nick Martinelli自2010年以来首次在三场连续比赛中加分了16分,得分25+分。 Nick Martinelli added 16 points, scoring 25+ points in three straight games for the first time since 2010. 东伊利诺伊州由Nakyel Shelton的19点和Kooper Jacobi的14点领先。 Eastern Illinois was led by Nakyel Shelton's 19 points and Kooper Jacobi's 14 points.