巴基斯坦宣布改革以降低电力成本, 旨在刺激经济和减轻消费者负担。 Pakistan announces reforms to lower electricity costs, aiming to boost economy and relieve consumers.
巴基斯坦能源部长Awais Leghari宣布与11个独立电厂商会谈, 以降低电费, Pakistan's Energy Minister Awais Leghari announced talks with 11 independent power producers to lower electricity tariffs, following the termination of agreements with five IPPs to save billions. “Bijli Sahulat一揽子计划”向国内消费者提供减免和产业折扣,旨在刺激经济活动。 The "Bijli Sahulat Package" offers domestic consumers relief and discounts for industries, aiming to boost economic activities. 专家们建议,改革是朝着应对电力部门的长期挑战和刺激增长迈出的一步。 Experts suggest the reforms are a step towards addressing long-term power sector challenges and stimulating growth.