巴基斯坦总理总理下令削减电力关税、转向太阳能、关闭效率低下的工厂以节省成本。 Pakistan's PM orders power tariff cuts, shifts to solar, closes inefficient plants to save costs.
巴基斯坦总理谢哈巴兹·谢里夫(Shehbaz Sharif)指示官员降低电费并转向低成本能源项目, Pakistan's Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif instructed officials to reduce power tariffs and shift to low-cost energy projects, focusing on local resources and solar power. 他命令关闭效率低下的发电厂,以节省成本和外汇,并指示按照国际标准升级电力传输系统。 He ordered the closure of inefficient power plants to save costs and foreign exchange, and directed upgrades to the power transmission system following international standards. 其目的是加速改革并使电力部门现代化。 The aim is to expedite reforms and modernize the power sector.