洛杉矶道奇队签了Tommy Edman 7400万美元合同 延长五年 The Los Angeles Dodgers signed Tommy Edman to a $74 million, five-year contract extension.
洛杉矶道奇队已经签署汤米 埃德曼 5年, 7400万美元合同延期, 保证他的存在 到2029年, 并有一个俱乐部选项 2030年。 The Los Angeles Dodgers have signed Tommy Edman to a five-year, $74 million contract extension, securing his presence through 2029 with a club option for 2030. 这笔交易包括在10年内延期支付2 500万美元。 The deal includes deferred payments of $25 million over 10 years. 埃德曼29岁, 加入道奇队从圣路易斯红雀队在7月, 在球队的世界系列赛胜利中发挥了关键作用. Edman, 29, joined the Dodgers from the St. Louis Cardinals in July, playing a crucial role in the team's World Series win. 他有263的职业生涯击球平均值59个本垒打,242个RBI,和112个被盗的基地在六个位置. He has a .263 career batting average with 59 home runs, 242 RBIs, and 112 stolen bases across six positions.