波士顿红袜队以 $120M 的价格签下亚历克斯·布雷格曼,这可能会改变年轻球员的角色。 Boston Red Sox sign Alex Bregman for $120M, potentially altering young players' roles.
波士顿红袜队与亚历克斯·布雷格曼 (Alex Bregman) 签订了一份价值 1.2 亿美元的三年合同,这影响了他们的内场动态。 The Boston Red Sox signed Alex Bregman to a $120 million, three-year contract, which impacts their infield dynamics. 布雷格曼搬到二垒可能会让拉斐尔·德弗斯 (Rafael Devers) 保持在三垒,并限制像克里斯蒂安·坎贝尔 (Kristian Campbell) 这样的年轻前景的机会。 Bregman's move to second base could keep Rafael Devers at third and limit opportunities for young prospects like Kristian Campbell. 虽然布雷格曼增加了领导力和防守实力,但与其他联盟人才相比,这份合同对其价值提出了质疑。 While Bregman adds leadership and defensive strength, the contract raises questions about its value compared to other league talents. 红袜队的这一大胆举措旨在解决一段时间不活跃后的批评者。 This bold move by the Red Sox aims to address critics after a period of inactivity.