Holtec International 于 12 月 4 日举办开放日,讨论在 2025 年底前重启 Palisades 核电站。 Holtec International hosts Dec. 4 open house to discuss restarting Palisades nuclear plant by end of 2025.
12月4日下午5时至7时在本顿港的一间开放屋将向公众通报Holtec International计划在2025年底前重新启动Palisades核电厂的计划。 An open house on December 4th from 5 to 7 p.m. in Benton Harbor will inform the public about Holtec International's plans to restart the Palisades nuclear power plant by the end of 2025. 这是第二次这样的活动;第一次活动吸引了大批对项目时间表、安全和就业机会感兴趣的人。 This is the second such event; the first drew a large crowd interested in the project's timeline, safety, and job opportunities. Holtec已经雇用了300多人,并计划再增加大约200人。 Holtec has already hired over 300 people and plans to add about 200 more.