Emily Chung是汽车修理企业的业主和导师,她因对这些行业的贡献而获得总理奖。 Emily Chung, an auto repair business owner and mentor, receives a Premier's Award for her contributions to the trades.
AutoNiche公司业主Emily Chung因对汽车维修部门的贡献获得总理奖。 Emily Chung, owner of AutoNiche Inc., received the Premier's Award for her contributions to the automotive repair sector. 作为 Centennial College 的校友和 Red Seal 认证的技术人员,Chung 因其成功的业务和对学徒的指导而受到表彰。 A Centennial College alumna and Red Seal-certified technician, Chung was honored for her successful business and mentorship of apprentices. 该年度奖项由安大略省和该省的学院颁发,表彰大学毕业生的成就。 The annual award, run by Colleges Ontario and the province, recognizes college graduates' achievements. 钟的承认凸显了她对技术行业的影响,以及她对该领域教育和职业晋升的奉献精神。 Chung's recognition highlights her impact on the skilled trades and her dedication to education and career promotion in the field.