包括儿童在内的八人在星期五加利福尼亚州科尔顿的一次房屋火灾中受伤。 Eight people, including children, were injured in a house fire in Colton, California, on Friday.
包括儿童在内的八人在11月29日在加利福尼亚州科尔顿发生的一场火灾中受伤,该火灾摧毁了一座正在翻修的房屋。 Eight people, including children, were injured in a fire that destroyed a house under renovation in Colton, California, on November 29. 3名伤势严重,一名8岁男孩被烧伤25%以上。 Three were critically hurt, with an 8-year-old boy suffering burns over 25% of his body. 这家人从二楼窗户逃出。 The family escaped through a second-floor window. 火灾的起因仍在调查之中。 The cause of the fire is still under investigation.