中国音乐市场增长,表演增加,票房收入增加,由经典和新作品推动。 Chinese musical market grows with more performances and higher box office revenues, fueled by classic and new works.
中国音乐市场出现了显著增长,从2024年1月至10月,演出额增长了5.5%,信箱办公室收入增长了26.7%。 The Chinese musical market has seen significant growth, with a 5.5% increase in performances and a 26.7% rise in box office revenue from January to October 2024. 荷兰女演员Annemieke van Dam和威尔士演艺人John Owen-Jones赞扬了中国热情的观众。 Dutch actress Annemieke van Dam and Welsh performer John Owen-Jones have praised the passionate Chinese audiences. 例如《歌剧幻影》和《Mozart L'Opera Rock》等经典音乐剧的介绍,在培养当地人才和激励创造中国原创音乐剧方面发挥了关键作用,今年推出了42种新作品。 The introduction of classic musicals like "The Phantom of the Opera" and "Mozart L'Opera Rock" has played a key role in nurturing local talent and inspiring the creation of original Chinese musicals, with 42 new works introduced this year.