英国广播公司(BBC)周六的Kitchen Kitchen, 面对观众对主机违反规则、过度噪音和太多客人的强烈反弹。 BBC's Saturday Kitchen faces viewer backlash over host breaking rules, excessive noise, and too many guests.
十一月30日的节目在英国广播公司的"星期六厨房"节目上引起了观众的强烈反响. BBC's Saturday Kitchen faced viewer backlash after the November 30 episode. 主持人Matt Tebbut打破了表演规则,披露了客人必须吃他们不喜欢的烤肉大麻。 Host Matt Tebbutt broke a show rule by revealing that guests would have to eat a kipper hash, which they dislike. 剧集也受到过分杂和过多客人的批评,导致一些观众抵制了剧集. The episode also featured criticism for being too noisy and having an excessive number of guests, leading some viewers to boycott the show. 尽管得到一些积极的反馈,但大多数人对内容表示失望和沮丧。 Despite some positive feedback, the majority expressed disappointment and frustration with the content.