好莱演员斯坦利·图奇暂时主持BBC的"星期六厨房"一集;特布特仍然担任主持人. Hollywood actor Stanley Tucci temporarily hosted BBC's Saturday Kitchen for one episode; Tebbutt remains as host.
10月12日, 英国广播公司(BBC)星期六的厨房主持人Matt Tebbutt澄清好莱坞演员 Stanley Tucci 只临时主办一集。 On October 12, Matt Tebbutt, host of BBC's Saturday Kitchen, clarified that Hollywood actor Stanley Tucci was temporarily hosting for one episode only. 特布特向观众保证,他没有被替换,此前一周出现了涉及素食嘉宾玛丽·麦卡特尼和贻贝的尴尬时刻。 Tebbutt reassured viewers he hasn't been replaced, following an awkward moment from the previous week involving vegetarian guest Mary McCartney and mussels. 这一集的特色是厨师 Georgina Hayden 和 Julius Roberts,以及饮料专家 Helen McGinn,强调了这一变化的轻松本质。 The episode featured chefs Georgina Hayden and Julius Roberts, along with drinks expert Helen McGinn, emphasizing the light-hearted nature of the change.