Ford Focus的一位错误驾驶员在印第安纳州美国30号坠毁,造成司机死亡,其他人受伤。 A wrong-way driver in a Ford Focus crashed on U.S. 30 in Indiana, killing the driver and injuring others.
在美国印第安纳州波特县30号 星期四凌晨 发生了一场致命的错误碰撞 A fatal wrong-way collision occurred early Thursday morning on U.S. 30 in Porter County, Indiana. 一名来自芝加哥的54岁身份不明的男子驾驶的Ford Foord Focus 2005年一辆福特Foord Focus车与一辆2015丰田Rav 4型丰田车头部撞毁,又被三辆汽车击中。 A 2005 Ford Focus, driven by an unidentified 54-year-old man from Chicago, crashed head-on with a 2015 Toyota Rav 4 and was hit by three more vehicles. Ford Focus在事故发生时没有亮灯。 The Ford Focus had no lights on at the time of the accident. 司机在现场死亡,而其他司机则受轻伤。 The driver died at the scene, while other drivers sustained minor injuries. 当局正在进行调查,毒理学测试结果尚待确定。 Authorities are investigating, with toxicology test results pending.