两名司机在Palm Beach县的US-27失事事故中丧生,三名乘客受伤。 Two drivers died in a wrong-way crash on US-27 in Palm Beach County, with three passengers injured.
星期天早些时候,在棕榈滩郡美国27号发生致命的错误事故中,一辆福特面包车和一辆切夫罗莱特郊区车发生碰撞,造成南湾24岁的Damion Jones和福特面包车司机死亡。 In a fatal wrong-way crash on US-27 in Palm Beach County early Sunday, a Ford van and a Chevrolet Suburban collided, killing both drivers, identified as 24-year-old Damion Jones of South Bay and the Ford van driver. 切夫罗莱特号的三名乘客住院治疗,其中一人伤势严重,两人伤势严重。 Three passengers from the Chevrolet were hospitalized, with one in critical condition and two in serious condition. 棕榈滩郡治安官办公室报告说,没有涉及毒品或酒精。 The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office reported no involvement of drugs or alcohol.