在西休斯顿,发现一名母亲和幼儿死亡;一名血染男子被拘留。 In west Houston, a mother and toddler were found dead; a blood-covered man was detained.
在西休斯顿,发现一名母亲和她的幼儿死在里士满大道附近的公寓楼内。 In west Houston, a mother and her toddler were found dead in an apartment complex near Richmond Avenue. 一名有血迹的男人被警察拘留,警察在凌晨2时45分被一名家属叫来。 A man with blood on him was detained by police who were called by a family member around 2:45 a.m. 休斯敦警察局正在调查 但没有公布死因的细节 以及死者与受害人的关系 The Houston Police Department is investigating but has not released details about the cause of death or the man's relationship to the victims. 当局目前不寻求其他嫌疑人。 Authorities are not seeking other suspects at this time.