波士顿警方在南区公寓发现一名死妇女后 正在调查 Boston police investigating after a deceased woman was found in a South End apartment.
波士顿警方正在调查 在周四晚上 在南区邻居的公寓里 发现一名死去的女人后 波士顿警方正在调查 Boston police are investigating after a deceased woman was found in an apartment in the South End neighborhood on Thursday evening. 下午7时左右,Harrison大道的Harris公寓楼最初要求警官进行福利检查。 Officers were initially called for a well-being check at The Harris apartment complex on Harrison Avenue around 7 p.m. 凶杀案小组现已参与其中,但尚未逮捕,受害者的详细信息尚不清楚。 The homicide unit is now involved, but no arrests have been made and details about the victim are not yet available.