联合王国的目标是到2050年在抵消航空排放的挑战面前实现碳中性飞行。 UK targets carbon-neutral flights by 2050 amid challenges in offsetting aviation emissions.
联合王国的零喷气倡议旨在到2050年实现碳中和飞行,到2040年国内航班和机场业务为零排放。 The UK's Jet Zero initiative aims for carbon-neutral flights by 2050, with domestic flights and airport operations to be zero-emission by 2040. 然而,抵消航空排放具有挑战性;伦敦-纽约的一架飞机产生309公斤CO2,相当于每年吸收10棵成熟树木。 However, offsetting aviation emissions is challenging; one London-New York flight generates 309kg of CO2, equivalent to a year's absorption by 10 mature trees. 实现这一目标可能需要每年播种1 000亿棵树。 Achieving this goal could require planting 100 billion trees annually. 在探索可持续的航空燃料和空气空间现代化的同时,成本和可行性仍然不确定。 While sustainable aviation fuels and airspace modernization are being explored, the cost and feasibility remain uncertain.