巴基斯坦首席大法官召集会议,以加快税务案件的速度,提高法院效率。 Pakistan's Chief Justice convenes meetings to expedite tax cases and improve court efficiency.
巴基斯坦首席大法官叶海亚·阿菲里迪在最高法院召集会议,处理积压的税务案件。 The Chief Justice of Pakistan, Yahya Afridi, has convened meetings at the Supreme Court to tackle the backlog of tax cases. 讨论的重点是设立专门的法官席以加快这些案件的审理速度,改进信息技术和案件管理,以及优化人力资源。 Discussions focused on creating dedicated benches to expedite these cases, improving IT and case management, and optimizing human resources. 律师协会代表承诺合作,而法院重申其对透明度、问责制和及时司法的承诺。 Bar representatives pledged cooperation, while the Court reaffirmed its commitment to transparency, accountability, and timely justice.