尼日利亚海军缴获价值120万美元的毒品,在Akwa Ibom州逮捕了3人。 Nigerian Navy seizes $1.2 million worth of drugs, arrests three in Akwa Ibom State.
尼日利亚海军缴获了价值5亿奈尔的毒品(120万美元),并在Akwa Ibom州逮捕了3名涉嫌毒贩。 The Nigerian Navy seized drugs worth N500 million ($1.2 million) and arrested three suspected drug dealers in Akwa Ibom State. 包括Pethidine和Codeine糖浆在内的毒品是从喀麦隆走私来的。 The drugs, including Pethidine and Codeine syrup, were being smuggled from Cameroon. 尼日利亚海军正在与国家禁毒执法机构和尼日利亚海关合作打击海上犯罪,嫌疑人在进一步调查后将面临起诉。 The Nigerian Navy is collaborating with the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency and Nigeria Customs Service to combat maritime crimes, and the suspects will face prosecution after further investigation.