新西兰小镇与老化的杨树产生的绒毛作斗争,构成火灾风险,因为议会列举了不作为的代价。 New Zealand town battles fluff from aging poplar trees, posing fire risks, as council cites cost for inaction.
新西兰北哈夫洛克 (Havelock North) 的居民正在努力应对杨树,这些杨树会产生过多的绒毛,覆盖了房屋和花园。 Residents in Havelock North, New Zealand, are struggling with poplar trees that produce excessive fluff, covering homes and gardens. 尽管树木的安全寿命已接近尾声,并每年造成混乱,但黑斯廷斯区议会没有计划拆除树木,因为费用高昂和缺乏资金。 Despite the trees nearing the end of their safe lifespan and causing yearly disruptions, the Hastings District Council has no plans for removal due to cost and lack of funding. 绒毛高度易燃,会带来额外的风险。 The fluff is highly flammable, posing additional risks. 理事会承认这一问题,并定期评估树木的状况。 The council acknowledges the issue and regularly assesses the trees' condition.