一名母亲在伦敦的Morden娱乐公园与其子女一起遭到性攻击。 A mother was sexually assaulted at Morden Recreation Park in London while with her children.
10月20日,一名母亲在伦敦的Morden娱乐公园与两个孩子玩耍时遭到性攻击。 A mother was sexually assaulted at Morden Recreation Park in London on October 20 while playing with her two children. 嫌疑人被描述为一名十几岁的男子,身高 6 英尺,身材苗条,穿着一件印有白色文字的酒红色连帽衫、蓝色运动裤和黑色运动鞋。 The suspect, described as a man in his late teens, 6ft tall and slim, wore a burgundy hoodie with white writing, blue tracksuit trousers, and black trainers. 警方已发布电子化图象,并要求公众通过101或匿名向Crimestoppers报告任何信息。 Police have released an e-fit image and ask the public to report any information to them via 101 or anonymously to Crimestoppers.