在肯特公墓遭到性攻击的妇女;警方在调查中寻求公众帮助。 Woman sexually assaulted at Kent cemetery; police seek public help in investigation.
11月9日下午9点左右, 在肯特州伊登布里奇的一个墓地, 一名女性在参观亲人的墓地时遭到性攻击。 A woman was sexually assaulted at a cemetery in Edenbridge, Kent, around 9pm on November 9th while visiting a loved one's grave. 嫌犯被描述为一个身高高高的瘦瘦男子,身着大衣,戴着毛皮头罩。 The suspect is described as a tall, slim man wearing a coat with a fur hood. 肯特警方正在调查并要求公共援助,敦促任何掌握信息的人,包括有破摄像头或闭路电视录像的人,以匿名方式与他们或犯罪制止者联系。 Kent Police are investigating and have called for public assistance, urging anyone with information, including those with dashcam or CCTV footage, to contact them or Crimestoppers anonymously.