母亲声称女儿不是死于癌症,而是死于与疫苗有关的错误诊断。 Mother claims daughter's death, not from cancer, but due to misdiagnosis linked to a vaccine.
影片制作人Krishan Kumar的妻子Tanya Singh声称她20岁的女儿Tishaa并非死于癌症, Tanya Singh, wife of film producer Krishan Kumar, claims her 20-year-old daughter Tishaa did not die of cancer but from a misdiagnosis. Tanya声称,Tishaa的病情被错误地认定为癌症,可能是15岁半的疫苗引发的。 Tanya alleges that Tishaa's condition, wrongly identified as cancer, may have been triggered by a vaccine at age 15-and-a-half. 她警告父母为肿胀的淋巴结寻求多种医疗意见,这可归因于情感创伤或感染。 She warns parents to seek multiple medical opinions for swollen lymph nodes, which can be caused by emotional trauma or infections. Tishaa于2024年7月去世。 Tishaa passed away in July 2024.