23岁的Mihika Shah, Bollywood女演员Divya Seth Shah的女儿,因发烧而发疯。 23-year-old Mihika Shah, Bollywood actress Divya Seth Shah's daughter, passed away from a seizure due to fever.
23岁的米希卡·沙阿(Mihika Shah)是宝莱坞女演员迪维亚·赛斯·沙阿(Divya Seth Shah)的女儿,也是资深女演员苏什玛·赛斯(Sushma Seth)的孙女,于8月5日因发烧后癫痫发作去世。 23-year-old Mihika Shah, daughter of Bollywood actress Divya Seth Shah and granddaughter of veteran actress Sushma Seth, passed away on August 5th due to a seizure following a fever. 她的母亲Divya在社交媒体上分享了毁灭性新闻, 并于8月8日宣布为女儿举行祈祷会, Her mother, Divya, shared the devastating news on social media and announced a prayer meeting in her daughter's memory on August 8th. 米希卡是一名学生,在很大程度上避开了媒体的聚光灯。 Mihika was a student and largely avoided the media spotlight.