印度再次当选为联合国建设和平委员会成员,准备在2025-2026年继续开展和平努力。 India re-elected to UN Peacebuilding Commission, set to continue peace efforts for 2025-2026.
印度再次当选为2025-2026年联合国建设和平委员会成员,保持其在世界和平努力中的作用。 India has been re-elected to the UN Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) for 2025-2026, maintaining its role in global peace efforts. 作为联合国维持和平行动的创始国和主要捐助国,印度将继续支持受冲突影响地区的建设和平工作,以期对国际和平努力采取战略性的、协调一致的办法。 As a founding member and key contributor to UN peacekeeping, India will continue to support peacebuilding in conflict-affected areas, aiming for a strategic and coherent approach to international peace efforts. 建设和平委员会充当协调整个联合国系统建设和平努力的咨询机构。 The PBC serves as an advisory body to coordinate peacebuilding efforts across the UN system.