古吉拉特邦的劳工因据称与巴基斯坦特工共用海岸警卫队船只而被捕。 Gujarati laborer arrested for allegedly sharing Coast Guard ship movements with Pakistani agent.
古吉拉特反恐小组逮捕了一名劳工Dipesh Gohil, 据称他每天为200卢比与一名巴基斯坦特工分享有关印度海岸警卫队船只移动的敏感信息。 The Gujarat Anti-Terrorist Squad has arrested Dipesh Gohil, a laborer, for allegedly sharing sensitive information on Indian Coast Guard ship movements with a Pakistani agent for Rs 200 daily. Gohil在Okha港口工作,通过社交媒体进行沟通,被控共谋犯罪和对政府发动战争。 Gohil, who worked at Okha port, communicated via social media and was charged with criminal conspiracy and waging war against the government. 港口是靠近巴基斯坦海岸线的战略军事地点。 The port is a strategic military location near the Pakistani coastline.