BYD Sealion 6“超级混合”赢得新西兰2024年年度汽车奖。 The BYD Sealion 6 'super hybrid' wins New Zealand's Car of the Year award for 2024.
BYD Sealion 6“超级混合”赢得了新西兰2024年年度AADRIVEN NZ汽车奖,因其动态、性能、实用性和经济性而受到赞扬。 The BYD Sealion 6 'super hybrid' has won New Zealand's AA DRIVEN NZ Car of the Year award for 2024, praised for its dynamics, performance, practicality, and economy. 该车辆的混合技术加上汽油发动机,提供安静、经济的运行。 The vehicle's hybrid technology, combining with a petrol engine, offers quiet and economical running. 该公司还拥有5星级安全评级和合理定价。 It also boasts a 5-star safety rating and reasonable pricing. 丰田RAV4赢得了人民选择奖。 The Toyota RAV4 won the People's Choice award.