澳大利亚通过了新的合并法,目的是从2025年年中起提高透明度和效率。 Australia passes new merger laws, set to enhance transparency and efficiency starting mid-2025.
澳大利亚议会通过了一项新的法律,改革该国的兼并制度,定于2026年1月1日生效,自愿使用从2025年7月1日开始。 Australia's Parliament has passed a new law reforming the country's merger regime, set to take effect on January 1, 2026, with voluntary use starting July 1, 2025. 改革将要求向澳大利亚竞争和消费者委员会报告超过一定门槛的交易,以提高兼并管制的透明度和效率。 The reforms will require transactions above a certain threshold to be reported to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), aiming to improve transparency and efficiency in merger control. ACCC将发布准则草案供明年初协商,以帮助企业适应变化。 The ACCC will release draft guidelines for consultation early next year to help businesses adapt.