WASPI运动为那些在不事先通知的情况下领取养老金年龄提高的妇女寻求赔偿,接近请愿目标。 WASPI campaign seeks compensation for women hit by unannounced pension age rises, nearing petition goal.
WASPI 运动倡导对 1950 年代出生的女性进行赔偿,这些女性的国家养老金年龄在没有适当通知的情况下被提高,该运动正在获得超过 85,000 个请愿书的签名。 The WASPI campaign, advocating for compensation for women born in the 1950s whose state pension age was raised without proper notice, is gaining traction with over 85,000 signatures on a petition. 议会和保健服务监察员建议赔偿1 000英镑至2 950英镑,而一些议员则要求增加付款额。 The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman recommends compensation between £1,000 and £2,950, while some MPs call for higher payments. 请愿书需要十万个签名才能举行议会辩论, 并促动政府回应监察官的报告, 并在2025年3月前制定补偿计划。 The petition needs 100,000 signatures for a parliamentary debate, and WASPI urges the government to respond to the Ombudsman's report and establish a compensation scheme by March 2025.