丰田的全球产量在10月下降,但销售量创历史新高,达到903 103辆汽车。 Toyota's global production declined in October, but sales hit a record high of 903,103 vehicles.
丰田全球产量在10月份下降了0.8%,持续了九个月的下降,但销售额上升了1.4%,达到创纪录的903 103辆汽车。 Toyota's global production fell 0.8% in October, continuing a nine-month decline, but sales rose 1.4% to a record 903,103 vehicles. 日本的国内产量增长了8.3%,海外产量下降了4.9%。 Domestic production in Japan increased by 8.3%, while overseas production dropped by 4.9%. 日本的销售额猛增7.1%,部分原因是台风造成交货延迟。 Sales in Japan surged 7.1%, partly due to delayed deliveries from a typhoon. 尽管美国产量下降13%,中国下降9%,丰田的全球销售达到新高。 Despite a 13% drop in US production and a 9% decline in China, Toyota's global sales reached a new high.