塔斯马尼亚批准了4000万美元的开发项目, 计划者拒绝了腐败指控. Tasmania approves $40M development, overriding planners' rejection amid corruption claims.
塔斯马尼亚政府通过了一项法案, 批准德文港4000万美元的 Stony Riging村开发计划, 压倒塔斯马尼亚规划委员会的反对。 The Tasmanian government has passed a bill to approve the $40 million Stony Rise Village development in Devonport, overriding the Tasmanian Planning Commission's rejection. 绿党指控政府腐败, 引述开发商Tipalea Partners向自由党捐款。 The Greens accuse the government of corruption, citing donations from the developer, Tipalea Partners, to the Liberal Party. Jeremy Rockliff总理为这一决定辩护, 说这在规划中反映了“常识”。 Premier Jeremy Rockliff defended the decision, saying it reflects "common sense" in planning. 尽管人们对交通和对当地城镇的影响感到关切,但预计该项目将创造数百个就业机会。 Despite concerns over traffic and impact on local towns, the project is expected to create hundreds of jobs.